The Day Pinterest Ate Me Whole


The summer break was full of To Do lists and home improvement plans, approximately 50% of which went to the wall when our youngest caught chickenpox.

Holiday postponed, Virasoothe being lathered on every 4-6 hours and trying not to feel disheartened at having to halt my great plans with the house half-decorated, I collapsed in a heap on the sofa one evening and started meandering through Pin after Pin on Pinterest.

Marvelling at the always immaculate, beautifully aesthetic homes, bubbling creativity and inspired photographs of exotic places near and far I felt rather odd.

Yes we need to take it all with a healthy PINch of realism, but there is definitely something brilliantly uplifting in this new social media site that the others (perhaps especially Facebook) lacks. It leaves you feeling…. well, happy!

You are in almost total control of the content you will see and you can collect inspiration on a Biblical scale for any home, or life, project you desire.

Weight loss? New business? DIY project? Cookery? Learn to dance? Yoga? It’s all there in abundance.

In a flash of craziness, we devised a plan to paint a section of our very grown-up, newly decorated understair loo with blackboard paint. It would be a big hit with the kids and guests alike.

What could be sillier than leaving each other messages in coloured chalk in the smallest room in the house?

I knew this was the very spirit of Pinterestees the world over. At last! I have actually DONE something I’ve admired on Pinterest. It finally won me over.

We are in danger of living too much of our lives in our heads and online. Sooner or later you have to log off and ask yourself; for all my hours online, what has changed?

Life doesn’t become better by just viewing other peoples’ adventures, but by making your very own. No matter how small.

For us, this has been a chalky nudge towards being more relaxed and at home in our own home, expressing who we are and giving us lots of daily, tiny reasons to smile.

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